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Young Author 2020

Hayder Qasim


Hayder Qasim is an Iraqi author and academic who teaches in the Department of History at the University of Baghdad. He holds a PhD in Islamic History, Thought and Orientalism from the University of Baghdad and is Associate Chief Researcher at the Bayt Al-Hikma Foundation. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Historical Studies. His publications include several books on Islamic history, as well as editing and contributing to books and anthologies. He has had research papers and studies published in a number of Iraqi and Arab scientific journals.

About The Book

ilm Al Kalam Al Islami fi Derasat al Mustashrikeen Al Alman (Islamic Theology in the Studies of German Orientalists) published by Al Rawafed Culture Publishers (Beirut) and Ibn al-Nadim Publishing and Distribution (Algeria) in 2018. Hayder Qasim's book reviews the work of notable German theologist Joseph van Ess, investigating how German academics have interpreted and represented Islamic theology through the lens of Orientalism.

Published: 2018

Interview with

Hayder Qasim

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