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Literary and Art Criticism Category

Submission and Entry Rules

    • The submitted work shouldn’t be previously awarded by an international/ prominent Prize or submitted to any other award at the time of submission.
    • Re-submission for the same work is accepted if time condition is still valid. However, the application form should be filled out and new copies of the work submitted.
    • The work must be published in a book format and within the last two years.
    • The book must be written in Arabic.
    • The nominees can submit one book only each year.
    • The submitted books must have the ISBN number to verify property rights.
    • If there is a co-author or artist who took part in the production, their details should be included in the submission form, and upload his documents.


    • The award maintains the right to withhold a Prize or withdraw it if deemed compulsory. 
    • Submitted books are archived at Dar Al Kutub post submission; we regret we cannot return them back to nominees.

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