"Arab Fiction: A Growing Trend and Translation Opportunity" Seminar in collaboration with Publishing Perspectives Magazine

Date: May 25, 2023, 15:00 - 16:00
Location: ADIBF - Aya Sofya Stage - Hall 10

The popularity and accessibility of genre fiction—such as mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and more—are on the rise in the Arab world. These types of books are not only drawing in more Arabic readers, but also have the potential to transcend borders and languages.

SZBA hosted an engaging discussion on the power of genre fiction as a gateway to discover and translate Arabic writing. Our panel of publishing and literary experts, in collaboration with Publishing Perspectives Magazine, explored how genre fiction supports foreign publishers to foster lasting relationships with Arabic publishers and expands the translation of Arabic Literature into diverse languages.

The seminar was held during ADIBF.

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