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Literary and Art Criticism 2019

Dr. Charbel Dagher


Dr. Dagher is a Lebanese scholar and a Professor at the University of Balamand holding two PhDs, in Modern Arabic Literature and Art History and Philosophy. He has written over 60 books in both Arabic and French, including Arabic and Urbanism: the Relationship between Revolution, Culturalism and Modernity, published by Dar Al Nahar and University of Balamand in 2009, and Modern Arabic Poetry: The Prose Poem, published by Al Maaref Forum in 2018.

About The Book

Dr. Charbel Dagher’s book titled (Contemporary Arabic Poetry - the prose) published by Al Maaref Forum, studies the prose poem in terms of its evolution and general characteristics though the work of Mohammad Al Maghout and Unsi Al Haj. The book presents the difficulty of studying prose poetry, as the art form does not have an analytical perspective that is suitable to its nature and structure.


Published: 2018

Interview with

Dr. Charbel Dagher

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