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Translation 2023

Chokri Al Saadi


Chokri Al Saadi is a Professor in Language Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tunis and (former) Head of the Department of Arabic Language, Literature, and Civilization. Born in Al-Ruhiyah, Tunisia, in 1969, where he pursued his primary and part of his secondary school studies, Al Saadi then moved to Makthar to continue the remainder of his secondary education. He holds the following degrees in Arabic Language, Literature, and Civilisation : Bachelor of Arts and Secondary School Teaching Certificate (from the École Normale Supérieure at the University of Susa, Tunisia), Certificate of Aptitude for Research  or Certificat d’Aptitude à la Recherche, Agrégation and Ph.D. (from the Faculty of Arts, and Humanities at the University of Manouba, Tunisia), along with a Habilitation Diploma (from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tunis).

Al Saadi is the winner of the ALECSO-Sharjah Award for Linguistic and Lexical Studies (First place in the Linguistic Studies branch, the Award’s 4th edition, 2021); King Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz Award for Translation (jointly, Individual Efforts category, 5th session, 2011); Mishkat Al-Anwar (The Niche of Lights) Award in Languages, Arts, and Humanities (for the research presented in the Ph.D., Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Branch, 2nd session, 2008); and Award of His Excellency the President of the Republic (for excellency in his Final Secondary School Examination or High School Diploma, 1987). His books include: ‘Maqoulat Al Hadath Al Dalaliya Fil Tafkeer Al Lughawi: Bahth Fil Usus Al Dalaliya Lil Buna Al Nahawiya’ (The Event Semantic Category in Linguistic Thinking: An Investigation of the Semantic Foundations of Grammatical Structures), Beirut, 2013; and ‘Qadaya Al Hadath Fil Lisaniyat Wa Falsafat Al Lugha’ (Event Issues in Linguistics and Philosophy of Language), Tunis, 2016. Books he translated from French include ‘La Linguistique du XXè Siècle’ by Georges Mounin, Tunis, 1992, and from English ‘Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts’ by John Searle, Tunis, 2021.

About The Book

The translation of this book stands out for its significant scientific merit and its ability to effectively convey specialized terminology in the areas of linguistics and philosophy. Additionally, the translator has included an exceptional introduction that adds to the value of the translation. As a result, this book is an important addition to the field of linguistics, enriching the Arabic library. Moreover, it presents an opportunity for Arabic language specialists to familiarize themselves with the latest advancements in linguistics.

Published: 2021

Interview with

Chokri Al Saadi

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