The Sheikh Zayed Book Award (SZBA) has revealed the shortlisted titles in the ‘Literature’, ‘Young Author’ and ‘Children’s Literature’ categories for the 14th edition of the Award.
The Literature shortlist consists of two novels and one poetic work: the following novels were published by Mamdouh Adwan Publishing and Distribution House in cooperation with Sard for Publishing: Arwah Sakhrat Al Asal (Souls of Honey Rocks) by Mamdouh Azzam (Syria), published in 2018; and Ma’wa Al Gheyab (Shelter of Absence) by Mansoura Ezzedine (Egypt), published in 2018. The shortlist also included one poetic work: Belkas ma Qabl Al Akheera (The Penultimate Cup) by Moncef Al-Wahaibi (Tunisia), issued by Meskeliani Publishing and Distribution, 2019.
The shortlist for the Young Author category includes one novel and two studies, namely: Kol Al Ashya’a (All Things) by Kuwaiti author Bothayna Al Essa, published by Arab Scientific Publishers, Inc in 2017; ilm Al Kalam Al Islami fi Derasat al Mustashrikeen Al Alman (Islamic Theology in the Studies of German Orientalists) by Iraqi writer Hayder Qasim, published by Al Rawafed Culture and Nadim Edition in 2018; and Al Muhawara fi Adb Abi Hayyan al-Tawhidi: Derasah fi Khasaes al Tafa’ol Al Tawasoli, Al Adab AlMajlisi fe Mudwenat AlTawhidi (Dialogue in the Literature of Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi: A Study in the Characteristics of Interactive Communication) by the Saudi author Dr. Manal Saleh M. Al-Mohimeed, released by Dar Kunouz Al Ma’refa Publishers in 2019.
The Children’s Literature shortlist comprises Nuzhati Al Ajeeba Ma’ Al Am Salem (My Wondrous Picnic with Uncle Salem) by Emirati writer Nadia AlNajjar, published by Dar Al Saqi Publishing, 2019; Al Fatat Al Lialakia (The Lilac Girl) by the Palestinian writer Ibtisam Barakat, published by Tamer Institute for Community Education in 2019; and Saqi Almaa (The Water Provider) by Emirati writer Maryam Saqer Al Qasimi, published by Al Hudhud Publishing and Distribution in 2019.
The Literature category received 438 entries this year, while Young Author received 498 entries and the Children’s Literature category received 205 entries. The Award will be announcing shortlists for its other categories in the coming weeks.
A total of 1,900 entries were submitted for the 14th edition of the Sheikh Zayed Book Award across its eight categories this year, with the Young Author and Literature categories receiving the highest number of nominations. Winners of the 14th edition of the Sheikh Zayed Book Award will be honoured on 16 April 2020 in conjunction with the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. The winner of the Cultural Personality of the Year accolade receives a gold medal with the award logo and a certificate of merit and a prize of AED 1 million. Winners of other categories receive a gold medal, a certificate of merit and a prize of AED 750,000.